Junior Individual Savings Accounts ( ISAs ) are long-term, tax-free savings accounts for children. You can open a HL Junior ISA for your child if they:

  • are under 18
  • live in the UK

For the tax year (2021 - 2022) the Junior ISA limit to invest is £9,000.

The Junior ISA must be opened by the child’s parent or legal guardian on their behalf. The money invested in the ISA belongs to the child and when the child turns 18, they will be able to have access to the funds.

Junior ISAs can give your child a head start in life where they have the ability to take the money out and spend it how they like. This money can contribute toward items such as their first home or a future nest egg.

Parents, friends and family can all save on behalf of the child as long as the total amount remains under the annual limit. When your child turns 18, their account is automatically rolled over into an adult ISA. No tax is payable on interest or investment gains.

The information on this page isn't personal advice. If you’re not sure if an investment is right for you or your child, please ask for advice.
ISA tax rules can change and their benefits depend on individual circumstances.